Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2002 13:52:56 +0100 Subject: BHA: Babel fish request This is a long shot, but urgent (as in next few days).... I promise to explain how this does relate to CR (and it does!), but right now am in a flap of activity ... for reasons to complex to detail I need a sequence from the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. It's the guide sequence with the Babel fish and the death of God by logic resulting from the fish. It's not on the bbc website as an animation, but I wondered whether you might know SOMEONE ANYONE who might have a copy on disk or some means of computerisation. I really want to include it in a major lecture I'm giving in Oz. hope you're all well btw... With best wishes, Karl WHEN REPLYING: PLEASE MAKE SURE MY EMAIL ADDRESS HAS NO ‘POP’ IN IT. Karl Maton School of Education, University of Cambridge Email: Email: URL: Correspondence address: 108 Avenue Road Extension, Leicester LE2 3EH, England. Tel: +44 (0) 116 220 1066 This is your life and it’s ending one minute at a time. --- from list ---
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