File spoon-archives/bhaskar.archive/bhaskar_2002/bhaskar.0206, message 5

Date: Tue, 04 Jun 2002 12:15:19 -0400
Subject: BHA: essence and appearance

Hi  all,

Howard wrote:
> >The answer to the question you ask, how they reject OS, is this:  "essence
> >must appear."

Mervyn then wrote:
>Can I chip in and ask why this is held to defeat ontological
>stratification? On Bhaskarian premises there is a sense in which essence
>must appear, because it ultimately accounts for everything and once activated necessarily has an effect

My admittedly simple-minded understanding of the issue is that it's the admission of a "once activated" caveat that matters.  I am assuming that Howard is saying that "Essence must appear" is at odds with the idea that real powers exist but are not necessarily actualized -- with the idea, that is, that the domains of the Real and the Actual are not coterminous.  Is this right, Howard?


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