File spoon-archives/bhaskar.archive/bhaskar_2002/bhaskar.0207, message 1

Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2002 13:01:00 +0100
Subject: BHA: Critical Realism conference - apologies for crossposting


*Final notice. Please disseminate far and wide*

The International Association for Critical Realism [IACR] is holding its
sixth annual conference at the University of Bradford, UK, on August
16-18, 2002.

Bradford is an old industrial city located in the heart of Bronte
country. If offers the visitor a rich variety of places to see of
historical and scenic interest.


*Realism, Research and Practice*


*Critical Realism: what it is and how it is developing*

*Research Using Realism*

*Social Change*


*Roy Bhaskar: The Philosophy of Meta-Reality*
Roy will introduce his new philosophy of meta-reality which systematizes
and further develops the theory of the necessary spiritual
presuppositions of emancipatory projects that was initiated in *From
East to West*. A number of his new books will be available at the

*Hugh Lacey: Explanatory critiques and movements for liberation*
Reflecting on movements for liberation that are prominent in Latin
America and elsewhere and have come together recently in the World
Social Forum held annually in Brazil, Hugh will suggest that Bhaskar's
arguments about explanatory critique need to be complemented by
appropriate social scientific analysis of actual movements and practices
aspiring for emancipation. The process of freedom is a mutually
enriching dialectic of theory and practice.

*Bob Carter, Berth Danermark, & Caroline New, Realist social theory and
empirical research* (panel discussion)
All three discussants are experienced critical realist researchers. Bob
and Caroline will draw in particular on their recently completed ESRC
seminar series on Social Realism and Empirical Research. Berth will draw
on his extensive research in the area of disability as well as on his
jointly authored book, recently translated into English, 'Explaining
Society: Critical Realism in the Social Sciences'.

*Heikki Patomäki: Critical realism, the Nordic model and emancipatory
world politics*
Drawing on his recent book, 'After International Relations: Critical
Realism and the (Re)Construction of World Politics', Heikki will suggest
that a critical realist research programme can provide a superior
alternative to the international relations problematic inaugurated by
Hume and Kant. The case of the erosion of the Nordic model of a
universalist welfare state and related foreign policy practices will
illustrate the greater explanatory power of a global political economy
dynamic grounded in realist assumptions, leading to the conclusion that
successful emancipatory politics anywhere in the contemporary world
demand a new conception of geo-historical processes involving the
rearticulation of fundamental emancipatory values and the abandonment of
the nation state as an adequate framework for emancipatory struggles.

*Alan Norrie, Doug Porpora and Rachel Sharp: So, where does that leave
us?* (panel discussion).
The panelists will reflect on the conference proceedings and invite
discussion from the floor.

Other confirmed speakers include: 
Mike Aiken, Margaret Archer, Richard Breese, Gordon Brown, David Byrne,
Alexander Clark, Justin Cruickshank, Peter Dickens, Mário Duayer, Jason
Ferdinand, Steve Fleetwood, Gil-Soo Han, Neil Hockey, Branwen Gruffydd
Jones, Mansoor Kazi, Julie Lawson, Paul Lewis, Terence Lo, Gary
MacLennan, João Leonardo Medeiros, Maria Mitropoulos, Wendy Olsen,
Martti Puttonen, Chris Sarra, David Simm, Dave Taylor, Manindra Thakur,
Dale Web, Malcolm Williams, Altug Yalcintas

Abstracts of papers may be viewed on our website.

Late sumission of papers is welcome.

Send all submissions and direct all inquiries to:
        Wendy Olsen                             
        The Graduate School             Email:
        University of Bradford          Telephone: 0044-1274-235889
        Bradford BD7 1DP                Fax 0044-1274-235585
        Yorkshire UK                    

A special workshop for postgraduate students and others interested in an
introduction to critical realism will be held at the same venue on
August 15th, 2002.  

Conference registration and other details:

Mervyn Hartwig
on behalf of the IACR Secretariat

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