Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 06:53:21 -0400 Subject: BHA: Progressive sociology or generative mechanism Lister A little on performative contraditions- I think Bhaskar is growing on natural science front if not on the Darwinian plane. And finally the at the sub-division of the social cube, there is the emergent properties as dispostional properties, implicity in the nature of things- natural kinds or? goodmorning. bwanika. 1. There is an estimated 20,000 street children languishing in city parks or cruising aimlessly waiting for a prey or a shot of mind-altering drugs. 2. Nairobi has also become the unwitting model of urban decay and filth 3. Nairobi, it seems has hit the big time headaches experienced by most big cities in North America like Chicago, Toronto, New York and Los Angeles where homelessness, crime and unemployment are unshakable companions. 4. To ensure that low and mid-range income earners can afford housing, governments are providing funding, construction and maintenance of low-cost housing units. -- ____________ Bwanika url: e-mail: __________________________________________________________________ Your favorite stores, helpful shopping tools and great gift ideas. Experience the convenience of buying online with Shop-AT-Netscape! Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Mail account today at --- from list ---
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