File spoon-archives/bhaskar.archive/bhaskar_2002/bhaskar.0207, message 8

Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2002 22:33:09 +0100
Subject: BHA: JCR 5:1 now out

JOURNAL OF CRITICAL REALISM (incorporating ALETHIA) vol. 5, no. 1 (May
2002) is now out. Apologies to subscribers for the delay. Contents are
given below the signature line of this post.

This is the last issue prior to the peer review launch in November 2002.
For submission deadlines and guidelines and up-to-date info about what
is in the pipeline (articles accepted, submitted and expected; books in
review) please visit our website:
Mervyn Hartwig
Journal of Critical Realism (incorporating 'Alethia')
13 Spenser Road
Herne Hill
London SE24 ONS
United Kingdom
Tel: 020 7 737 2892

The JOURNAL OF CRITICAL REALISM (incorporating ALETHIA) is the journal of 
the International Association for Critical Realism [IACR], established in 
1997 to stimulate the discussion, propagation and development of critical 
realism on an international and interdisciplinary basis. JCR seeks to 
promote the aims of the IACR by publishing articles, together with book
reviews, higher degree thesis abstracts and news, on all aspects of 
critical realism as a multidisciplinary and emancipatory/transformative 
movement. It aims to be responsive to the IACR membership and invites 
discussion and feedback. Contributions from non-members are invited. 

JCR is currently being developed into a fully refereed journal with the 
assistance of Nottingham Trent University, UK. The Journal of Critical 
Realism, Volume 1, Number 1, November 2002. ISSN 1476-7430

Editor Mervyn Hartwig Deputy Editor Justin Cruickshank Administration 
Sandra Odell Layout Lisa Wood

Sandra Odell, JCR Administrator, 
Nottingham Graduate School for Social Research
Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
The Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham NG1 4BU, United Kingdom 
Tel: 01158 485537 Fax: 0115 9486808 Sandra Odell <>

CONTENTS of the current issue of JCR (5:1, May 2002)

·Margaret S. Archer, Realism and the problem of agency
·Berth Danermark, Interdisciplinary research and critical realism: the 
example of disability research
·Norman Fairclough, Bob Jessop, Andrew Sayer, Critical realism and semiosis
·Maria Mitropoulos, Demonic curiosity and documentary photography
·Jamie Morgan, The soul: plausibility and persuasiveness in realism
·Chris Norris, Putnam on quantum theory and three-valued logic: is it 
(realistically) an option?
·Manindra Nath Thakur, Debating realism(s) : Marxism and Nyaya-Vaisesika

·Roy Bhaskar, The philosophy of meta-reality, Part I: identity, 
spirituality, system

Review article
·James Daly, Salvation according to Luther and Althusser. (Review of 
Christianity and Marxism: A Philosophical Contribution to their 
Reconciliation. By Andrew Collier. Routledge, London and New York, 2001.)

·Ted Benton and Ian Craib, The Philosophy of Social Science: The 
Philosophical Foundations of Social Thought. Palgrave: Basingstoke 2001. 
Reviewed by Garry Potter.
·José López & Garry Potter, ed., After Postmodernism: An Introduction to 
Critical Realism. The Athlone Press: London & New York, 2001. Reviewed by 
Berth Danermark.

IACR membership. Yearly membership includes two issues of Alethia 
(published in April and October) and a 10% discount on CCR Conferences 
and fee paying seminars. Yearly standard membership is 25 pounds 
sterling or 45 US dollars, yearly student membership 10 pounds or 
18 dollars, five-yearly founder membership 100 pounds or 180 dollars, 
yearly multi-reader institutional subscription 40 pounds or 65 dollars. 
Jean Yates, IACR Administrator, Behaviour in Organisations, The Management 
School, Lancaster LA1 4YX    Tel: 44 (0)1524 594054
Email: Jean Yates <>

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