File spoon-archives/bhaskar.archive/bhaskar_2003/bhaskar.0302, message 13

Subject: BHA: Genetics or < that - Social Science & doing science
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2003 10:02:05 +0100


How could the two  statements below laden with radically two different
perspective be reconciled in both critical realism and/or sociology,
re:biology especially new developments in forensic genetics in maping
crime and critical realistic research methodology? 

Let as assume two societies i.e. Youth in Ituri forest and some kids in
one metropolitan center? We can also take an example of drug use which
seems to be attaining a genetic explaination profile or read and writing
disablities among school children? 

1. From a social ecological perspective it is expected that civic
traditions in a given geographical area will have an impact on
criminality. ( Uberto Gatti, Richard E. Tremblay and Denis Larocque
43:22-40 (2003). Civic Community and Juvenile Delinquency. A Study of
the Regions of Italy  )

2. Other research has found that the crime-age relatioship is explained
by other correlates of crime such as demographic or socio-economic
factors. (Kestin Hansen 2003 43 141-168 Education & the crime -age


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