Date: Sun, 22 Feb 1998 12:30:52 -0800 Subject: MB: Re: Runny Silence Edward Moore, What art resists placement in a museum? What frame escapes the metaphor, or this give and take with silence you locate expressly behind museum frames? Certainly the pentatonic scale, YOUR greatest Western music, the utilization of anything, and what you accept as beauty, submit to definitions and shape subject to recognized limits. The idler, always defined as such from another's perspective, resigns himself to such designations, such imputations. Thought itself, some would argue, requires a certain leisure instead, or at least the narrow conceptualizations we take for freedom. Doesn't this suggest more of an openness than resignation, more of a jouissance? Do you not further find that surrender (as jouissance may require?) allows for greater possibilities than resignation? Finally, what distinguishes thought from music? Music can never be so free of discrimination. Music can never be cut from all thought (as thought can) without clinging at least to an absence of thought. Perhaps music is a state, thought an action; both ineffable. W/a nod chaos makes neat...
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