File spoon-archives/blanchot.archive/blanchot_1998/blanchot.9802, message 25

Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 14:12:27 -0500
Subject: Re: MB: List? [Them "Limit-Experience($)",...]

Dear Mike Purcell, et al.,
	I'm afraid I'm coming to agree with you, and as the moderator of this list,
this is indeed for me a sad state of affairs.  Silence is fine; in fact, I find
it healthy for dialogue.  However, the silence(s) on this list have, in the past
year or two been colonized by, as you say, a small, self-indulgent, often
juvenile 'logonanistic' group.  Not only are the missives emanating therefrom so
obliquely relevant to Blanchot that they can be and in fact are indifferently
cross posted to (of is it from?) other groups, but, like screeching noise, they
produce a climate inhospitable to thought and thoughtful dialogue about
	That this is the state of affairs, as you say, does Blanchot no favours and in
fact is a real distraction from Blanchot, has led me to seriously consider
several alternatives.
	1) I am seriously considering closing down this list.  If it a) is not going to
be used and therefore provide a real service for Blanchot studies, or a) is only
going to be used for puerile exchanges, it is no longer worth the effort of
maintaining it.
	2) I am also considering making postings to the list by approval only.  This
would mean I would have to read and repost messages from everyone, filtering out
the garbage.  This obviously is to very appealing to me, as it greatly ties me
	3) I may put a filter on the list that would prevent certain individuals from
	4) I may move the address of the list.

	I'm not sure in which direction I am inclined to go on this matter, but the
status quo is no longer acceptable to me, and I know others aren't very happy
about things.  There are some very gifted individuals on this list, and I think
it a shame that this resource hasn't been able to better serve and develop
serious readers of Blanchot.  
	I strongly encourage individuals to make express their opinion on this matter
either to the list or to me privately.  Silence here will certainly lead to but
one conclusion.

Reg Lilly

mike wrote:
> I tell you: I think Blanchot is really important, and his thought deserves a proper hearing. I've subscribed to this
> group for a copuple of years now.I haven't a clue who all those who engage on the group are. I fear it does Blanchot
> no favours. I get a sense of self-indulgence, self-promotion...... a game going on. Maybe, if one really wants to
> talk about Blanchot and his significance which is immense, there's another place apart from the hopeless group. Can
> anyone suggest one?
> Dr M Purcell
> s m wrote:
> > ...and how they are 'a'-gaining on us, wonderfully, lived, wrought well
> > beyond the scratches and softer rows to hoe of  hard-wired-thought. To
> > mind there drops, Simone Weil in Blanchot, on "affliction" and
> > "attention" (just take a look at _IC_, pp. 106-122, esp., 120-122) - yes,
> > for both of you! - and there recall: "Affliction is inattention's
> > extreme. Attention is an attention that makes itself bearable to the
> > affliction that cannot bear being attended to." (_IC_, 122). I'm speaking
> > as one to two now - yes for both of you -. Or tip-toe even to what
> > footnoted preserves "extreme affliction", as  "'a's"  cat-o-9-lives.
> > (_IC_ 122, 447). [Lacanian laughter]
> >
> > T/here, a thread thrown, a "ritrovai" encore, to the issue of attention
> > and affliction, and how will your eyes casts themselves upon the bottom
> > of page 121 of _IC_; unexpectedly perchance?
> >
> > ---------> "Attention is the reception of what escapes attention, an
> > opening    <---------
> > ---------> upon the unexpected, a waiting that is the unawaited of all
> > waiting."<---------
> >
> > So(wn) I await you with open arms, dear Michael,  if a visit indeed you
> > wish to pay me, (but I don't live in "Blueballs PA";  _ all_  would say
> > quite the contrary though), or should those "limit-[post$]" be unfolded,
> > showing how  Simone Weil would repeat from her  _Notebooks_, vol. 1,
> > under the heading "Reading",  that  "...we pass from one meaning to
> > another by an effort - an effort in which the body always
> > participates,..."? See!? LaLuc-sea's awl/all. [Gore-Gongorian laughter].
> >
> > Pass, my dear$, pass, a "passage a' l'acte", for there is much to
> > contribute to what hard-wired-thought thinks, oddly even here lisplisting
> >  on MB, with these issues. But if you "promise" me this visit,  maybe
> > over a few beers and dinner  you would see your eyes through mine, and I
> > promise we'd even sit  where once Don and I sat. [sacrilegious
> > laughter]*. (Or how-a-bout this: we could hang together while I give**
> > some classes, and you'd be a guest speaker - now that would be a
> > 'limit-experience' thrown within the pedagogical arena. Let me know now,
> > send me a post before you get here, and after that, well,  it'll be
> > hysterical/hearse-stir-'a'-call.) ***
> > ------------------------------------------------------------><-------------------------------------------------
> > entre chien et loup dans
> > --------------------------><-------------------------------------------------
> > lalangue trespasses,
> > ------------------------------><-------------------------------------------------
> > Lucio Angelo Privitello
> > -----------------------------><-------------------------------------------------
> > ------------------------------------------------------------/----------------------------------------------------
> > ------------------------------->"Language is the place of attention"
> > (_IC_, 122)<---------------
> >
> > * Erasmus, even.
> > ** and receive performances, _reely_ (and one from how the others
> > perform).
> > *** or you can return this post "Fwd" and not even read Weil, which leads
> > me to think you don't thank Blanchot either. [subtle da Vinci smile].
> >
> > A presto, t/hen?
> >
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