Date: Fri, 27 Feb 1998 12:37:39 -0500 Subject: Re: MB: List? [Them "Limit-Experience($)",...] If there's not a copyright problem and you could send me a GIF or JPEG file, we could put it up at the web site and actually look at it while we discuss Blanchot. Reg Linda Steer wrote: > > I agree that something has to be done. I have only been on this list for a month and have hit the delete key way too many > times... > Perhaps if those of us are serious about discussing Blanchot's work could start to pose some questions for discussion, or > at least post our interest in Blanchot/reasons for joining the list, we could somehow salvage this discussion. > Maybe we could choose something to read and discuss together. > > I joined this list because I hoped to learn more about Blanchot's ideas. I am working on a paper on a Jeff wall, a > contemporary Canadian photographer. I am looking at his work through Freud's theory of the uncanny and Kristeva's theory > of abjection. My interest in the uncanny and the image has led me to Blanchot's "Two Versions of the Imaginary" and I > wonder if he is saying that all images are uncanny. If indeed he does say this, then I think that he must be saying that > some images are more uncanny than others. What makes one image more uncanny than another? > I think that every photograph is uncanny because it presents (an)Other, a self that is both the self, yet not, as it > exists as something else. It is both a memory of one moment in time and a separate object that creates a new moment in > time. > I am unsure whether this makes any sense (long week!), but any comments would be helpful. > > Linda > > Reg Lilly wrote: > > > Dear Mike Purcell, et al., > > I'm afraid I'm coming to agree with you, and as the moderator of this list, > > this is indeed for me a sad state of affairs. Silence is fine; in fact, I find > > it healthy for dialogue. However, the silence(s) on this list have, in the past > > year or two been colonized by, as you say, a small, self-indulgent, often > > juvenile 'logonanistic' group. Not only are the missives emanating therefrom so > > obliquely relevant to Blanchot that they can be and in fact are indifferently > > cross posted to (of is it from?) other groups, but, like screeching noise, they > > produce a climate inhospitable to thought and thoughtful dialogue about > > Blanchot. > > That this is the state of affairs, as you say, does Blanchot no favours and in > > fact is a real distraction from Blanchot, has led me to seriously consider > > several alternatives. > > 1) I am seriously considering closing down this list. If it a) is not going to > > be used and therefore provide a real service for Blanchot studies, or a) is only > > going to be used for puerile exchanges, it is no longer worth the effort of > > maintaining it. > > 2) I am also considering making postings to the list by approval only. This > > would mean I would have to read and repost messages from everyone, filtering out > > the garbage. This obviously is to very appealing to me, as it greatly ties me > > down. > > 3) I may put a filter on the list that would prevent certain individuals from > > posting. > > 4) I may move the address of the list. > > > > I'm not sure in which direction I am inclined to go on this matter, but the > > status quo is no longer acceptable to me, and I know others aren't very happy > > about things. There are some very gifted individuals on this list, and I think > > it a shame that this resource hasn't been able to better serve and develop > > serious readers of Blanchot. > > I strongly encourage individuals to make express their opinion on this matter > > either to the list or to me privately. Silence here will certainly lead to but > > one conclusion. > > > > Regards, > > Reg Lilly > > > >
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