File spoon-archives/blanchot.archive/blanchot_1998/blanchot.9802, message 47

Subject: MB: 'a'  Response, _Serio ludere_: or  Vin a une oreille.
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 1998 21:55:12 EST

Reg, Stawla, Ingrid, Leslie, Samuel, Dr. Purcell, and ___,

	_Serio ludere_, and t/here, an/other read, (for those who haven't
picked up the beats which sown, divided a/nd sea/(deeded), over and over,
while remaining a calling  to Blanchot's _L'intermittence
(l'interruption)_), so yet another reed will be cut. At one with
a-sounding upon the beat from two stone tablets found within a language
that fields/feels:

Ducunt volentem fata, nolentem trahunt 
(Fate leads the willing, but the unwilling drags) 
Pros telos auton panta kineitai
(All things move to their end)

	Or, to-word this through _Le pas au-dela'_ (and _contra_ Reg,
Leslie, Dr. __ Purcell, Ingrid),: "I am there in your logic also,
denouncing the oppression of a coherence that makes itself the law and I
am there in my violence that affirms itself under the mask of your legal
violence, that which submits thought to the grip of comprehension."
(_SNB_ 117/ _PD_ 159-160).  
	_Il y a_. Or recall in _SL_, "To write is to let fascination rule
language." - "Ecrire, c'est disposer le langue sous la fascination".
T/here is 'our'  Wall, and quite uncanny, showing, as Jeff's does, the
Blanchotian "really important" concepts of "affliction" and "attention"
which was already mentioned expectingly. [see LAP in Purcell, Wed, 25
Feb].  Like the "dread in the face of being -horror of being-" as
Blanchot quotes  Levinas in "Litterature et la droit a' la mort".  Isn't
this an always already  "running with [Leslie's "sensible idea [ / ]
obvious choice" of Stawla's idea of a text that could "solv[e] this
problem", i.e., "Literature and the Right to Death"; "original text" and
all]? Or do I just run too fast? 

	Let those (as Persius wrote) "who meditate lofty themes gather
vapours on Mount Helicon, if there be any who propose to set a-boiling
the pot of Procne or Thyestes". (_Satire_ V). Should I hear/here mention
even Bataille's "preface" to the second edition of _The Impossible_, and
of the relation to Blanchot's "innocence and...forbidden presence", again
in writing, again from "Literature and the Right to Death"?  _Aut dic aut
accipe calcem!_ as Juvenal would have it: ('speak out, or take that upon
your shins').

	 Apart from recent 'banning techniques', what style has been
raised to the voice and deeper issues of _desoeuvrement_? Now t/here's
the outside, [our-side??] of the Dionysian, and many of 'us'  thank our
lucky stars, even if  they be the "call": Ariadne. Reg, I ask you to look
over your two posts (Wed 25 Feb, and Fri 27 Feb 10:45), especially, and I
quote you: "This is obviously is to [ _ ] very appealing to me", and "ah[
_ ]tough", as movement of a discomfort and deeper strain (ca parler)
within your Apollonian banning. But who has been, (apart from the
"hopeless group"?!, "Self-important peacocks"?!) spoken out of, of a
speech (a voice from the other shore) rich with a deeper "irrepressible
benevolence" of reading Blanchot, and "not just the words, mind you, but
his idea" - and _affect_ ?  Who has taken those reins?  And believe me,
it has 'seriously'  poured.  Why put up the umbrella against the reins of
affliction-writing?  Wouldn't that be an im"proper hearing" of Blanchot,
no matter how one "think[s] Blanchot is really important". Isn't  this
ban a mere Sanitation Dept., vaunting nothing more than the voracious
echo of the "forbidding vaults of academia" which, (let's face it), care
not of the "real concerns of participants"? Lip service, Leslie, and I
don't mean those lips of the earth, situated "beside crevices or earthen
grottos" from where oracles were heard. Become dirt, then we can speak.
Is it also "rigorous" [!?] to state that (as Ingrid is serious in
posting) that " "delete" is [_really_] the only thing happening"? Really!
How about taking a look at the Heidegger-Blanchot side, by reading over
Ariosto's reference to _le grand refus_, and add the side of things,
which a "_serious_" (my emphasis) x-ch/Ange has shed Light on (through
every postings, even if as Privy-Telos), a  _serio ludere_.  A veritable
'choc-ange' , but who's _really_ reading these "good signs", Reg? A sign
is to decipher (_dechiffrer_), not to number (_chiffre_). May your
"politics of the impossible" be less possible, and more to-word _La part
du feu_ - to the  lesson taught/taut running through, like baroque
threads, - Heidegger's 'thing', Blanchot's 'affliction', and that "Human
life is _impossible_", (to bring back Weil in Blanchot, like an eternal
return. (LAP in Purcell, Wed 25 Feb)). 

	Your banning techniques display nothing but a _Sichzuruckhalten_,
(a self-refusal), and it is t/here that I ask you to re-read those
aforementioned sections, now also in the baroque crashing stain-glass
light of Ariosto's "...Response" as a "call" (_Ruf_). Ruf-Ruf. T/here's
the chien.  That is what is great of "Sound" - and not a lip slipped
service to the merry boozer _in vino veritas_.  And tell me  it ain't so
that you would respond:

"Je ne boy que a mes heurs, comme la mulle du pape."
(I drink at (my hours) like the Pope's mule)

as Rabelais (_G_.5.48) puns at  the colophone of language's desire. 
Poetic dis-course is an invasive  "l'en-deca'" (hither side) of a
shattering tain by way of  the other. (see _IC_, IV).  Drink the great
Sound$ of a prodigious (or is it "pretentious citations and diction"?),
for t/herein dwells that _"Tragic, tumultuous nature of human beings, in
interval and as though suspended_" (_IC_, IV, 307). Such is the
"fundamental beauty of what it means to be human." (Socha, Thu, 26 Feb).
Such is from where 'literature becomes a question', and such is w/here,
many ache to be human through how "death speaks in me".  (_Work of Fire_,
323).  Ecce _das_ Wall  _Ding_, encore. T/here, "...that we are reduced
to pressing, in the cold, the naked heart against the wall, awaiting an
ear pressed against the other side." (Bataille, _The Impossible_, 25).

	 And now that (some) have ushered this "Litterature et la droit
a' la mort" up through the splintered floor boards of an impossibility,
[Don, Ariosto, Edward, oh yeh, and Lucio],  the more "puerile"  front
door is shown, but the knob is (surprise!) only on the ou(s)t(ed)side,
the side that wanders away from the program of confinement. Ecce exile,
ecce _l' espace litteraire_ (_IC_, 259), and from w/here the shattering
tain, mirror no more, is "an absolute of writing and voice". To this, I
turn, to what gifted gift-riffs on: See-saw-saws-awl-So-c(h)a,
Ari-ariste-ariston-ari(o)sto phaneros, and then Ed.,-wards, what Mo(o)re,
it's never less - yes to these, amoungst certain others, (gifted and
abiding) under skies in which "in fiamma favilla di vede, / e come in
voce si discerne, ..." (Dante, _Par_, VIII, 16-17), and with Persius
sub-tract how "I now shake out my heart to you at the bidding of the
Muse; it is a joy to me to show you, beloved friend[s], how large a
portion of my soul is yours. Strike it and note carefully what part of it
rings true, and what is but paint and plaster of the tongue. It is for
this I would ask for a hundred throats; that I may with clear voice
proclaim how deeply I have planted you in the recesses of my heart, and
that my words render up all the [l.o.v.e] that lies deep and unutterable
in my inmost soul."  (_Satire_ V, ). 

"Se n'est pas que je ne me decarcasse!"
"Je dis toujours la verite:...."
"...comme si c'etait la frousse que je leur foutais." T/here's  the loup
 (Lacan, _Television_, V, I, V).

entre chien et loup dans
lalangue trespasses,
Lucio Angelo Privitello





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