File spoon-archives/blanchot.archive/blanchot_1998/blanchot.9802, message 48

Date:          Sat, 28 Feb 1998 12:43:41 GMT+0100
Subject: MB: RE: literature and the right to death

Reg, Leslie, Stawla, Michael

Since october 1997 I'm reading (two-weekly) with a small group of 
(francophone) Blanchot-readers and researchers the text La litterature et le droit a la mort. 
Discussing more or less one alinea in a session, we did until now almost 7 pages 
of the text. If I have the time and if my english is good enough, I 
will share the discussion concerning this text on the list.

Arthur Cools
Arthur Cools
Research Assistant
Department of Philosophy
University of Antwerp


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