File spoon-archives/blanchot.archive/blanchot_1998/blanchot.9802, message 5

Subject: MB: y-ES, thrown through Bacchylides' mouth,...
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 1998 19:50:29 EST

...yet,  _between_ the ears of Admetus a sounding lands:  "_You are a
mere mortal; therefore your mind must harbor two thoughts at once_". Oh! 
Admetus'  admit to what naughts a speech then, standing still, and far
from this terror-Eye'zd dialogue, finding you boot-strapping  a "liberal
hypocrisy", which, [go find it], Blanchot wrought  through in  "A Plural
Speech".  How far has your "responsibility....extend[ed]" this 'charge'
and 'pity'? Oh! those with such "alibis of good conscience" [or "giv[ing]
it to Mikey, [since] he'll eat it..."] commercially  built from the glass
of a "paradise of decorous idealism".  There, I nudge your noses up
against such in-vitrio x-change, so charged  "over the barrel", since
never "on" with it, (where the body always participates) and inst/ea(r)/d
 place you t/here upon a Gaussian curve, or less-(on-"ing")-sung of  "a
relation of infinity". What a "task", and it "_neither speaks nor
conceals, but gives a sign._",  [again, if you go find it], fetched
t/here and always a yES song to Novalis, (one Ari helps  with), (see _IC_
314-317); lead and footing the bill of  "dizzying theoretical
investigations" (_IC_ 353) into those (ma chi?-solo Io?) (or
macchia/[stains]) of a "new knowledge they are learning to take up anew
by becoming conscious [or,  the unconscious] of it" (_IC_ 354). Or  maybe
further!, _"trique"_ - "_matiere_" - "_ame-a-tiers_" in what Lacan
redubbed, rubbing the lamb that limps after (_c'est boiteux_), Freud(e); 
a regular Erico in reverse; "L'Insu Que Sait De L'Unne Bevue S'Aile A
Mourre". (_Sem., XXIV, and 'Vincennes Opening' (1977)). Such a torus'd
task, some would even say a regular odd pastiche l'ecriture hermetique! 
Ecco, a pause through-by-doors of "no-ledge", or  _Le Tiers-Instruit_,
but how many can even hear such song from Serres, let alone min(e)/(d). 
Go fetch, and remember Rabelais' pooch. Now there's a Michel!  

Ah! "_The laughable and astonishing error people make is to believe they
speak in accordance with things. They are all unaware of what is proper
to language: that it is concerned only with itself_." (Novalis in
Blanchot, _IC_, 356). Thus, I lalangue speak, and speaking from this
allow what spoken, merely yesterday  with yet another lisplisting member
who in a C/urrent awled D/irect (t(w)o letters also  flipped or "{ }")
showed an "_application, its suppleness, its rhythm and its musical
spirit -_", which through sculptural spaces, re-timed what inner walks
upon the "surface" w/here light may work to reflect. (Wonderful was the
performance at La Maison Francaise, at NYU, Feb 12, and re-cast from the
work of Alain Kirili!) And how did I approach you? Like a Giacometti -
perchanced-glanced in already-[arrived]-placing and left "entre chien et
loup dans lalangue trespasses"?  There we w/here.  Hear, we  "a"-RE,

	"Faecundi calices quem non fecere disertum?" (Horace, _Epist._
    	     (Brimming cups impart eloquence to all)

	Some should merely ask: "Ou est mon entonnoir?" (Where is my
funnel). While, along with Lacan, I'll repeat: "L'Etourdit",
"L'Etourdit",  et our 'dit', toured to what 'le dire'-mention of knocks
us off our feet. A little like "mi ritrovai", hey? ;-(    ;-). Oh dear!

entre chien et loup dans
lalangue trespasses,
Lucio ["L'Etourdit"] Angelo Privitello

[Ari, a decent find: _Pour Une Critique De La  Raison Ludique, Essai sur
la problematique Nietzscheenne_,  by Thierry Lenain, Paris, Libraire
Philosophique J. Vrin, 1993]
{Don, just got your note, but dinner and  wine, et alia, which is "one" 
is calling, so later to my tachygraphism. It's good, damn good to hear
from you!}

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