File spoon-archives/blanchot.archive/blanchot_1998/blanchot.9802, message 50

Date: Sat, 28 Feb 1998 18:14:48 -0800
Subject: MB: ent err tain "a question of literature"

w                                    D
  h er r e lit er r a T ure be com es A "question"...(is)... 
t                    R
  h                O
    e s t i on o F                                  (being)
                                                 dea(th ink
"Rules of engagement"?...
d   is   en ga g e(i)s t el l anguag e s
      .                                .
        .                              .
         s t a n c  e  r  r   a   n    t
                                       e n c o u n t err:
"To err is probably this:
 to go outside the space of encounter"...  

 - Maurice Blanchot (The Infinite Conversation)

" a dimension that may be described as eschatological,
 and which, outside of history and outside of narrative,
 can only be thought as the relation of non-relation
 that thought itself entertains with that in thought
 that is always other than thought." 

 - Leslie Hill (Blanchot extreme contemporary)

"outside"...?                   ...w o r(l)ding...?
...ou t s id e X stream 
                          n ea r... is...S in n...
                                          (l) a
                                                  e s
                                                    e s


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