File spoon-archives/blanchot.archive/blanchot_1998/blanchot.9802, message 9

Subject: MB: Terr('a')/or  La _Horla_,...
Date: Sun, 15 Feb 1998 17:42:37 EST

and t/here, Don,  through the slightest incantationed suggestion in a
kites thread, (wonderfully put in your last post) known from the place of
what it, like a palimpsest, spreads to-word the sky, a "cross-cap" is
tossed from our heads - hollowing itself out -  like soft cheese cut with
a  hors-hair -  or that cut  between  '"i (a) -  a' ".  Closer to the
"niche" you speak of, minus its statu(t)e; aching as light caught on a
curve or projected there from an old super-8, and again _ad infinitum_
and 'in-between' of a style, which fraise to its phrase, is the
"thinking" left to Maupassant, as that "...abominable torment when the
brain is nothing more than a wound." (_Correspondance_ 3: 177).  

- {But Don, why, Oh why do you have me _so_ close to Michael, and just
left of  "and all,"?  [laughter].  Is it because, and again with
Maupassant, "..I am of the family of walking wounded and flayed [des
ecorches]."? (_ibid_., 177-178). What about Ariosto? Must you keep us
apart? [laughter]. Could Michael return, to turn (trouver) a phrase
without thinking that we would send him packing? Pack-mule! Yet, blessed
the Don-key.} -   

	Hurled t/here then, _hors-la_, 'alors', lured, in the  puissance
d'un fluide,  white waters of infinite kite threads touching the other
under the water's weight, twilight-breath  "different and yet identical"
(MB _IC_ 81) to mourning,  _a-mour_ing, and that cut between "acting out"
and the "_passage a' l'acte_" (to throw both you, dear Don, and Edward,
back on the stage of your theater-talk). Now, here again we hear Blanchot
at _IC_, 360-367. So hors-la, yes la-la by the way as entre chien et loup
trespasses through-by-doors of no-ledge that remain to be turned than
from the single knob found within. And the/re, t/here, i love to you!  In
the issue of existence and creation within the folds of narrative
structure, the subject is found "acting out" when on stage, and when
toppled therefrom, fictioneer of its truth: "_passage a' l'acte_".  This
to add some white to the waters that Ariosto, another "...Child of the
Open Sea" ( ;-) , _IC_ 316) sent you Edward off the cobra curve scales of
"this mad game of writing (mallarme)". What a present. [laughter].

	Edward, by the la-la by, are you familiar with Richard Foreman,
founder of the Ontological-Hysterical Theater in NYC? Well, pick up a
copy of _Lacanian ink_, 12, (see esp., pages 15-37), and call me in the
'a'-mour-[n]-ing. Don, this might also hinterland your metatheater paper
to s-e-a; and then about that "acting out" baloney; well really,
'morta-tell-awl' (mortatella), I'd suggest looking into Lacan's _Seminar
X, 'Anxiety'_, (1962-1963)  where the 'acting out'  verses '_passage a'
l'acte_' is worked on-/-off.  Sigh-burr-neck-it then. Tongue like a burr
to speech. And then, for Michael, yeh, whaddya think, that I'd leave you,
hors, there's Giraudoux's _Electra_, unless Mom was Le/da or troppo
fort-(e); but if not then even Orestes was not saved from falling.  On
the Da Capo encore. [laughter]. Any hope to be carried back by a
Jenn(et)? (laughter). 

	 And notwithstanding the i-m-p-o-s-s-i-b-i-l-i-y of an easy foray
under the pressure of such lovely pages from Edward, Ariosto, and Don,
t/here is an ablity to bring foth "the _place_ from which it could
speak", the unconscious that is, dislodging the "subject [which] proceeds
from [its] partition to its parturition". The tain of such a reflection,
thinned to a reasonably concise [post], allows the subject "fundamentally
historicized" to nonetheless recapture, cross-capped that is, a "response
to [a] false demand" which is never the lessening the _place_ of desire
itself. Which returns me to the (k)not of the i-m-p-o-s-s-i-b-i-l-i-t-y
never lacking, like anxiety itself, of one's own spectatorship.
[Privitello, L. A. presentation (slightly modified)  to the Lacan Study
Group of Phila, Feb 18, '98]. {And would'ja look at that, what timing}.

	So back to the [{ni(et)che}(zsche)] of our super-8's projected
there upon the curvature of a space without a statu(t)e, 'in-between' a
style fraise to phrase upon the palimpsest of the kites we fly to-word
the sky. 

	Happy is the gesture which encloses nothing.

entre chien et loup dans
lalangue trespasses,
Lucio (araignee) Angelo (Ariadne) Privitello, _Spur_'ed on-words.

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