Date: Mon, 20 Apr 1998 15:46:42 -0400 Subject: MB: CFP: New Novel Association 'The Millenial Border: New Novel 1950-2050' CALL FOR PAPERS Sponsored by the New Novel Association Second New Novel Conference, 6-8 April 1999 at the University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland Papers will be accepted in English, Spanish or French. Selected proceedings will be published in the 'New Novel Review' Send abstracts or panel proposals by 30 September 1998 to: Professor Philip Swanson, Dept of Hispanic Studies, King's College, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen AB24 3UB, Scotland. e-mail: or to: Professor Lynne Diamond-Nigh, Elmira College, Humanities Division, 1 Park Place, Elmira, NY, 14901, US. e-mail: Ian Maclachlan Dept of French University of Aberdeen
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