File spoon-archives/blanchot.archive/blanchot_1998/blanchot.9806, message 11

Date: Thu, 4 Jun 1998 11:16:17 +0100 (BST)
Subject: Re: MB: Blanchot Web Site

Date:          Wed, 03 Jun 1998 15:39:55 -0400
From:          Reg Lilly <>
Organization:  Skidmore College
Subject:       Re: MB: Blanchot Web Site

Thanks for the skinny on the Surya book -- I've been aware of it, but
haven't gotten a copy yet (hope to soon).
 Now this stuff on Heidegger and Blanchot really fascinates me.  I've
 never read
anywhere that Heidegger knew anything about Blanchot or (much less)
Bataille.  I would image Heidegger's source was Char, but I would be
quite interested to know the context of the statement.  Where does
Surya pick up this story? 

Another angle on Heidegger's muddle about which B (Blanchot or 
Bataille) was which comes in Raymond Queneau's recently published 
Journaux (Gallimard 1996).  An entry for 1950 (p. 737) has it that:

Heidegger a declare que l'article sur Holderlin de Bataille l'a 
beaucoup frappe et qu'il se sent tres pres de lui. Sonia [Orwell] 
telegraphie a Bataille pour le congratuler.  Mais l'article etait de 

Which article?  The editor for the Queneau volume claims in a note
that it's most likely La Folie par excellence, which appeared in
february 1951 in Critique.  if true, this implies H read the article
before it appeared in print.  Is MB's La Parole sacree de Holderlin
(from 1946) a better candidate?  If so, this might imply either that
MH was a poor reader (of French) or that my own argument about MB's
reading of MH in 1946 (in Blanchot: Extreme Contemporary)  is
totally wrong.

Any reactions?

Leslie Hill
Leslie Hill
Department of French Studies
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
tel: + 44 (0) 1203 523014
fax: + 44 (0) 1203 524679


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