File spoon-archives/blanchot.archive/blanchot_1998/blanchot.9808, message 15

Subject: RE: MB: Blanchot/Language/Heidegger
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 09:06:05 +0900

I'm writing the master's thesis on the concept "parole(s)" of Blanchot, in
which I try to show the differences between Blanchot and Levinas. If I dare
to say, Levinas is, for me, a hypothetical enemy, in spite of their apparent
>Nevertheless I find such work vital ... I've just finished a long piece
>of research on Blanchot where I found I HAD to read him through
>Heidegger, Bataille, Levinas ... even Deleuze. What an inordinately
>difficult writer Blanchot is! - Paul Davies has done an exemplary piece
>of work in his essay "Difficult Friendship" on the relationship between
>Blanchot and Levinas. It seems to me that such work is vitally important
>for those of us 'working' on Blanchot.
Please give me the reference of the essay "Difficult Friendship".

Thank you,

p.s. French is more familier to me than English. Is it possible to write in
French here?


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