File spoon-archives/blanchot.archive/blanchot_1998/blanchot.9810, message 23

Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 13:28:41 -0500
Subject: MB: vaults dichotomy (<)=> Waltz dichotomy (was Literature and

Claire(/Cleo) Dinsmore wrote:

>>Blanchot group space nontheless somehow engenders it. by the way what
is the >>relationship between Blanchot and Surrealism? zero? null? not
even cousins?

> Yes, in a way, 

there's been a kind (unkind though not necessarily mean-spirited) of
neglect/denial of the process of ever-increasing Apartheid of


neighborhoods/(discussion groups) though I agree with freedom of
association free association anarchism democracy but there are causes
and effects, there are consequences, actions reactions,
Karma/(opportunity (to "perfect")). thus upheavals, riots, uprisings,
disintegrations, degenerations, Unabombers, post office murders,
suicides (individual and collective), short circuits, flooding,
eathquakes, tornadoes....the energy has to go
somewhere...invasions/revisitations/(reclamations (the Marquis de
Sade))/(ahas, Eurekas, illuminations (lightbulbs lighting up in our
collective heads/hearts, sublimations (discovery channels)....or
catastrophes (catastrophe theory in mathematics...or the eventual
consequences of repression/opression/(divide and conquer, diveide and
rule)....whatever way it works out/in...

>I think you're correct, following Blanchot's dictum of

>   ""The speech relation in which the unknown articulates itself is a

> relation of infinity." 

thank you for that quotation. an example of

>Those words could, indeed, have sprung from the

> very mouth/mind and heart of Breton.  

quite substantial       .....more much appreciated transfer....level to
level....kind to kind....

>Nonetheless, I was not referring

> to the stylistic tendencies evinced, my reference was to the matter

> content.  The above phrase illustrates Blanchot's love of the word

>at least the act) and is quite positive, to it in simple terms, but

>  a flavour, as it were, is not, in my experience at least,

>  general tendency.  The surrealistic inclination with/towards words

> one of play - of humour, lightness, often filled with joy; 

for some reason I wonder at just how light, just how filled with joy,
and just how play and humour are mostly conducive to just joy and
lightness, but I won't say more than wonder for I want to let your
words continue to work on/in(to) me. let time and other
their thing

> Blanchot's

>  relation to the word and the written act often lays emphasis upon

> negative aspects of such - not that the act is 'bad' in itself per

>  but it is wrought with an insurmountable distance between the

>(writer) and the creation itself.  

yes.      Derrida-like(?)    is "insurmountable" the truly prevailing?
of course I cave/crave to/words preveiling => preveilink =>

>Then there is the thematic obsession,

>I would say, in Blanchot's work with darkness, the darkness and void

>    necessarily encounters via the act of creation and the attempt at

>  expression.  

darkness necessarily erupting within the work itself? also darkness
erupting in the life of such a one? is there not a positive kind of
(bright side) attraction/allurement to darkness? and "void" isn't
necessarily dark, is it? void can be liberation, no? void can be both.
and can not darkness be both? like the night. like the color
black....dragons and monsters and snakes. I don't know about demons
though. I guess this gets into how words strike you/one/them/us/me.
Sunday used to be a day of darkness to me and in somew ways it's still
tinged with that darkness. darkness calls. darkness attracts. darkness
attracts the light....there's that convection again, polarities,
potential differences, voltages, energy levels, high low, gravity,
attraction, embrace (in arms, in weapons, oscillation spiral onglowing

>The surrealist inclination towards darkness as a subject

>    is, shall we say, aesthetic, it is a matter of intrigue

ahhhh, I like

> - again,

>generally, filled with joy.

quilled with joy....

hmmmmm....        again, thank you for these gifts......

     I'm propelled            stopped short         started all over

             it's nice            a kind of dance in itself

                   not even distant cousins

                       but those categories

      surrealism           Blanchot

    the play please        the pleas plays ebony concerto        

> Blanchot's inclination towards the extremely

> prevalent theme of darkness (in his work) is not a celebration 


     that word celebration          aren't celebrations too often

that ambiguous/(double-o- more-voiced) too/tous          t' ous(t)

      thus the revised:     aren't celebrations also often dark?

        birthdays.....Christmas(es)/Christmasses....getting together
with family on holidays/holydays/holydaze.....Thanksgivings (plus the
thing with the Native Americans and others etc.).....parties/(house
parties) (all those cigarettes and booze plus God knows what else t'
make us feel real and engaged and yet...)....Mardi

darkness darkness darkness woven in with light at nearly every turn (of
the t(our)/t(owe)r)

           as I said before (I think)....

    doesn't the lightness enable an even greater
acknowledgement/registration of the darkness?   and doesn't the
darkness invite even more light?

>it seems

>   to me, it is one of, well, desperation we shall say (for lack of a

>       better word): it is filled with pain: the pain of truth, of

> realization.  

now that seems cause for celebration.

   but I don't want to make "inappropriate" light of....


       just sort of getting our/your/y/our/my semantics mutually felt

>Rarely will you find pain explored at it's true depths in

>                              surrealism.

nice simple striking booming conclusion which is well-received
given/gifted your way of getting there.

now to play stricken blooming gun-clue elision sample though not simply

the most simple seems the most complex     (pardon my own
circles/cliques/cirques/spirals/(spires (looking/licking/lucking for a
closer enclothing sky (for the sky is to vast instead of vest and too
blue blue blue........blueblackdarkwound wo(e)undone unfurled
wanderings/wonderings/(wonder-(l)inks)/spy-rails jump/leap/bleep the
tracks of smoky tears royal teas/tease delight in dis here dark yet no
less dark infect mighty black the waves of our tongue respective
disrespective launch into the rest no rest this continual...



>I think your reply:

>>  so dark so terribly paralyzingly dark...thus the play, constantly
in a

>>kind of letter-word flight...musical ocean of notes rhythms


>was quite ample: appreciated!  Well, "ample' is not really the

>word (- quality VS quality you know -)

eye ear ya'    and am glad        your sounds looks through words

there's still yet more you wrote to which I've not yet responded

           so       in the unfolding/unflooding

                    in the flow and circulation of bloods


rivers rivers        oceans         the waters          of             



    by the way, thank you for posting also the "expanded
capabilities"-word- processor-like version of your text. very nice the
way it articulates and emphasizes highlights and intones. myabe I'll
try to get into that as well. never have as yet.

 so       in the unfolding/unflooding

                    in the flow and circulation of bloods       


               unfearing while fearing





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