Date: Sun, 07 Mar 1999 20:37:47 +0000 Subject: Re: MB: THE DEATH OF POSTMODERNISM: THE JOLLY ROGER I have just read through 8/9 emails starting with yours. I am curious as to why you found the initial email offensive. Email and the net is by nature diffuse and porous, it leaks like a sieve. Please clarify why you objected to the message. given the nature of contemporary society I am curious thanks steve.devos Dr Susan Marson wrote: > I may find some contributions to the Blanchot list less interesting > than > others, but they are rarely offensive. Unlike the last. (I am stunned > at > finding that particular piece of text amongst the mail I receive and > read in my own room). Perhaps the list would like to consider the > notion > of discursive responsability, or the limits of community?
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