Date: Thu, 4 Mar 1999 19:41:45 -0800 (PST) Subject: MB: THE DEATH OF POSTMODERNISM: THE JOLLY ROGER THE JOLLY ROGER FLAGSHIP OF THE WORLD'S CLASSICAL COMMUNITY SCIENCE, RELIGION, AND FREEDOM: HUMILITY'S GIFTS The World's Largest Literary Cafe: Avast! THE JOLLY ROGER Flagship of The Renaissance Generation Three tall masts emerging from the postmodern fog to pick ye up. PRESENTS: THE GOOD SHIP BATTLING THE WATERLOGGED POSTMODERN VESSELS, SAVING AMERICA (AND THUS THE WORLD) FROM THE DARK AGES OR SOMETHING PRINTED WITH 100% RECYCLED ELECTRONS, WRITTEN WITH WORDS THAT MEAN THINGS. The Most Perfect Silence I know where the most perfect silence is, Seen it in the wild blue off Hatteras, A mile out, rainbowed sails in silent bliss, Looked like they'd collide, but they safely passed. I know when the most perfect silence is, Down a dusty Ohio road, high noon, No shirt on, being burned by the sun's kiss, Sixteen, takin' my time-- it was still June. I know what the most perfect silence is, It's what we say when falling out of love, It roars and thunders right through the kiss, Says all that no words can ever speak of. I know why the most perfect silence is, It is there for the whisper to be born, The whisper in her ear became the kiss, Just a dream in DC early one morn. I know who the perfect silence is for, It is for the ones whom we love the best, It is there to protect them from our core, By the silent trust we all seek to rest. And I know how rare that silence can be, With everyone talkin', it's hard to hear, But I know I felt it, on the streets of DC, The sound in her eyes-- it was crystal clear. And it brought back to mind the rainbowed sails, And the way it looked like they would collide, Like two souls set upon fate's iron rails, But the most perfect silence never died. THE LARGEST, MOST-FEARED LITERARY FRIGATE ON THE WWW ARMED WITH THE WESTERN CANON FLAGSHIP OF THE CONSERVATIVE LITERARY REVOLUTION copyright 1996-1999 & Elliot McGucken Anyone attempting to deconstruct anything on the good ship will be keelhauled. Anyone pirating anything without proper reference will have their throat slit. THE FREQUENCY, KENNETH, is to sign aboard THE JOLLY ROGER, send the message, join jollyroger to The World's Largest Literary Cafe: Because we can't, we won't, and we don't stop writing great literature. Upon this immaculate deck smoking dope isn't cool. Sober thought is. If ye don't like it, get off my Ship and go watch the Real World-- Ahab THE JOLLY ROGER A One Canon Ship. Technology cannot change what words mean, there's yet us, the phantoms in the machine. THE JOLLY ROGER'S PRIMARY CARGO: THE TRUTH by Captain Drake "Red Avenger" Raft Ahoy mate! Welcome aboard The Jolly Roger, the fastest-sailing literary movement on the seven cyber-seas! Hold on to your hat and prepare to ship under full sail, as we let the canvas stretch taut in the truth's ragin' wind. We're navigating the world, setting in stone the deeper reality of the common American consciousness, and embroidering terror into the tenured elite/editor/professor/media-mogul heart. They read our poems, find themselves thinking, and start getting nervous. This we understand, because they know what we've come for. We've come for what is ours. We're pirating academia and pop-culture and returning them to the common man. And what really gets 'em is that we're having fun doin' it. We shiver their timbers. We aboard The Good Ship can't come close to expressing how fortunate we are for the presence of the WWW, and we're keeping busy rising to the occasion. This is a historical moment, folks, for no longer does one have to submit one's literature to liberal journals that nobody reads to start a literary revolution. Instead, one can submit their thoughts directly to the intellects of the people. We're proud to be using this new medium to pay homage to the deeper souls of our generation. MTV isn't set up to do it, the bastion of tenured-liberal-elite professors are too busy filling out grant proposals to fund the journals that nobody reads, and the pot-heads on alt.society.generation-x think that words were invented to brown-nose feminist instructors or something. It's up to us to do the job that the Universities profess to do, but for the most part are failing to accomplish. The aging liberal bureaucracies can't afford to let words mingle with the truth, as the truth would exalt the peoples' souls, and the shallowness and insipidness of the watered-down multi-cultural (victimology) curriculums and Trent Reznor would become apparent. While the elite are doing their best to keep us in the dark, we're going to inspire a generation to read Great Literature by rewarding them with the truth for their efforts. And while we're performing the noble task, we're also going to do MTV's job. We might as well. We're going to express our souls in an artistic manner. And we're going to do it with words, even if it means that David Geffen can't make a buck off of it. There's a literary renaissance underway, and it's leaving port today. We're not waiting for the New York-based editors to acquire an appreciation for the Great Books and develop respect for the common sense and intellect of the people of this country-- we could be dead white males by then. We would like to extend a special warm welcome to our peers-- the members of generation-x. We didn't coin the term, and we're not trying to get you to drink Pepsi or anything, so like listen up a sec. We're proud to be the voice of the contemplating generation x-er's, inspired by truths higher than heroin, preferring thinking to drinking, and mowing the grass to smoking it. We're cultural mutineers, guardian angels of common sense, defenders of the subtle, known and feared in creative writing workshops across the land. We're the most dangerous poets alive, and should be watched, according to a few feminists we've encountered on the net. They're pretty desperate, with their tax-funded power-base fading and all, so like they have to stoop to trying to tie us in with every bomb that some deranged psycho sets off. But really we're just your clean-cut Boy Scout types who don't mind havin' fun, now and then, with an attitude. What really freaks the fringe feminists out is that we believe in romance, and our poetry is written in such an oppressive context. We like women, and that upsets them. We like Beavis, Butthead, and Rush, and we fear no administrators armed with degrees in education-- we've got a Canon on this frigate, and it's a big one. We're the writing on the wall, the whispering wind, the unseen crack, and MTV doesn't have a half-hour show on us, 'cause Kurt Loder doesn't know what the hell we are. We're invisible to the whole mass-market media industry, filtering into the consciousness of our peers on the glorious WWW, undetected by the elites' out-dated radar. There's no way that they can use us to get our peers to join Columbia House, so like what we think doesn't matter. We just have one question for the record industry-- alternative to what? And the New York corporate conglomerate publishers think we're nuts. You'd think they'd be our friends, with the way we're both fundamentally in the same business of trying to create things that people want to read, but we freak 'em out. To them we're off our rockers, we've got bats in the belfry, we're over the rainbow, playing without a full deck, gone fishin'. Our oboes are out of tune. We've never been funded by the NEA, nor have we won any creative writing awards, and we're not on heroin, nor are we in rehab, and we haven't been shot nor abused by our step-parents, nor have we cheated on our wives or murdered them or anything, so like our credibility is a bit lacking. And our work doesn't divulge any new sexual positions either. And get this-- some of it even rhymes. Don't we know that they need literature to level the playing field and poetry to compensate for the history of Western Culture's oppressive concepts, like the Parthenon, Hamlet, and Science? The literary intellectual arenas they control, like the major publishing houses, newspapers, magazines, and English and Womens' Studies (liberal bureaucracy) departments, are far too valuable to be wasted on concepts like the Truth. Why can't we be useful and go off and make higher resolution TV's, or something, with our linear minds, so we can augment the world's Pulp Fiction viewing experience now that it's at corner Blockbuster? Why can't we smoke something, or drop something, or shoot something, and sing something so that we can create something MTV could include in their arsenal? What the bejeezus-- didn't we learn anything in college? Didn't we learn that words don't mean things? But hey-- we'd rather be nuts than stupid, which is what they think you are. They think you're incapable of literature-- literature that means something, without pictures. Even some of the younger editors, fresh out of their deconstructionist theory courses, won't admit that you exist. You know, the happy campers who lived down the hall, who were always putting those 'Save the GALS,' posters on their doors. In college they enjoyed having their minds liberated by the "lesbian lover literature" they encountered in their women's-lit courses, and they sanctimoniously went into the literary business to make the world a better place-- we wish they'd gone to Cambodia. 'Cause we're not sure if they'd know a piece of literature if it bit 'em in the hiney. It seems that for the most part these guys feel good about making money off of anything neon that has something to do with sex, drugs, and rock'n'roll, with a sprinkle of some PC social engineering, to assuage any guilt that a person might feel from making money off of sex, drugs, and rock'n roll. Their baby-boomer bosses all cleaned up on that strategy as the Western Heritage was desecrated, and that's who they have to brown-nose to advance, so like they can't afford our intellectual irreverence. Meaning doesn't occur to them, so they conclude it doesn't occur to you either. After all, you're not in New York. You're in fly-over country, where some parents are so backwards that they still hang out with each-other after conception and teach their children to tell the Truth. But the Truth doesn't exist, and that's why they have to resort to trying to 'fool' you into reading, by marketing everything with neon covers and getting their friends at Details to call it, 'The Catcher in the Rye of the Grunge Generation.' As if. Then they complain that literature doesn't make money. They blame it on you. It's your fault because you're off listening to Smashing Pumpkins, watching Friends, and sending all your money to Columbia House and your college loan officer, instead of buying their neon contemporary classics that look more like boxes of Tide than books. You're too stupid, so they're forced into printing more picture histories of Aerosmith. It's your fault we're all slackers. You're responsible for the illiteracy in this country, and teen pregnancy, drug addicts, and violence on TV, 'cause you're a flaming idiot, incapable of culture. That is what they think of you. You are holding back the literary geniuses of this nation, and as a result, America must be content with Rikki Lake. And Brett Easton Ellis has to compromise his Shakespearean tendencies and write books about mutilating women. Douglas Coupland has to write about shampoo, because of you, and you won't ever let him put plot or memorable characters in his contemporary masterpieces. You consumers suck-- just look what you've done to America. And now France is worried about the effects of our culture on them. You, generation-x, should be ashamed of yourselves, and stuff. Look what you're doing to the world. Just thank God that some people in congress are willing to give you an opportunity to correct it all, by paying more taxes to fund future NEA projects to enhance our culture. You'd better vote for them, or else things will really be your fault. I read it in Rolling Stone. No. This is America. If one wants great literature, one doesn't go and petition the government for funds to create it. One picks up a pen and writes it. And while the baby-boomer elite are whining that nobody buys the generation-x novels they write for themselves, we're going to author the literature that means something to the sober soul of our peers. If you're into novels which detail the adventures of moral characters coming of age in the postmodern fog, check out The Drake Raft Field Trip. A guitar solo couldn't capture the sentiment, but the printed word could. These days are cool. We can't emphasize the good luck we've had with the WWW. To start a literary revolution, we didn't have to submit our literature to literary magazines that nobody reads. We didn't have to waste our time brown-nosing liberal mediocrity in some creative writing workshop somewhere. The WWW allows us to submit our quality product, written with 100% words that mean things, directly to you. So like pull up a deck chair, grab a coke, and watch on as we pirate the profound context of the Great Books which has been buried 'neath postmodernism, nihilism, modern liberalism, and radical feminism. And before they cross the path of the Good Ship, all the obfuscating-there-are-no-truths-venemous-feminists-and-friends should know that we're not interested in taking any prisoners. They'll be welcome aboard our fine frigate as sailors if they should choose to work for the Truth, but either way we are intent on sinking their waterlogged-tax-and-tuition-funded postmodern vessels with blasts of Truth fired from the Western Canon. They can call us slackers all they want, but while they're headed on down to Davey Jones' locker, we're going to be sailing into the dawn of a brand new literary era, seeking the ungraspable phantom of life. Avast! The White Whale yet swims free! At Yer Service,Captain Drake Red Avenger Raft, First Mate Becket Bluebeard Knottingham,Second Mate Elliot Ahab McGucken. _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at
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