Subject: RE: MB: Academics Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 16:28:22 -0800 Ezra Mark wrote: > Video / installation artist Gary Hill has used Blanchot texts in several > of his works -- generally with provocative and intriguing results -- > glad to have had the chance to experience several of them. Might be of > interest to some; there are several monographs and catalogs on Hill's > work available, and I believe that Station Hill has published at least > one book on him -- I just did a quick search and found a page on him at > the Station Hill site: > I second the recommendation. Hill's works include a video called _Incidence of Catastrophe_, which is based upon _Thomas the Obscure_, and several installations based on Blanchot texts, most notably _BEACON (Two Versions of the Imaginary)_. Here is a good site that gives a lot of information on Gary Hill: S ********************************************************** Steven Shaviro Read STRANDED IN THE JUNGLE: **********************************************************
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