Subject: Re: MB: Criticism and Writing in MB Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 17:59:47 +0000 Dear Leslie, Instead, we >need to find a way of thinking MB's fiction as constituting in itself a >philosophical (and more than philosophical) act, and thinking how MB's >critical and philosophical writings (as Derrida puts it) question >philosophy (as well as a lot of literature) from the perspective of an >experience that is irreducible to it (to them). I reckon the way you have allocated MB within a Derridian shelter makes that philosophical act a hermeneutical exegesis and commentary. Stepping outside philosophy is illusory. The reinscription of that perspective that is outside philosophy is just a functional juncture for the return of the question that works as a reasonable strategy for subverting certain hierarchical dualisms. In my own view, this creativity is not positive. Blanchot creates the philosophical concept within frames of paradoxes, not to just question, but to build a counter intuitive fictions, imaginary worlds or alternative universes in the manner of a Borges or a Le Guin. amd
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