Date: Fri, 5 Mar 1999 16:08:52 +0100 Subject: Re: MB: THE DEATH OF POSTMODERNISM: THE JOLLY ROGER To say that discursive responsibility is censorship is in itself a pro-censorship assertion. I believe that Dr Marson was raising a question about the relevance of certain contributions on the list, but Claire Dinsmore obviously thinks that she shouldn't be allowed to. The value of a discussion forum like this comes and goes with the seriosness of the questions raised. Pleas, try to keep a certain level ... Nils Olsson >This sounds like a message from the far right: it's called censorship (the >euphemistic proposal that is). > >Dr Susan Marson wrote: > >> I may find some contributions to the Blanchot list less interesting than >> others, but they are rarely offensive. Unlike the last. (I am stunned at >> finding that particular piece of text amongst the mail I receive and >> read in my own room). Perhaps the list would like to consider the notion >> of discursive responsability, or the limits of community? > >-- >"We live in the dark. We do what we can. We give what we have. >Our doubt is our passion. Our passion is our task. The rest of the madness >is art." >- Henry James > |no|
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