Subject: Re: MB: Criticism and Writing in MB Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 10:32:30 +0000 Leslie, I guess it is my fault that you have got the wrong msg. This all has to do with the way I construed the first two sentences. I put a full stop instead of a semi column "... exegesis and commentary; stepping outside philosophy is illusory. What I meant is that seeing MB from within a Derridian shelter leads to the idea that stepping from philosophy is illusory. This is a weak position and not positive. amd At 02:27 PM 3/15/99 +0000, you wrote: >At 17:59 11/03/99 +0000, you wrote: >>Dear Leslie, >> >> Instead, we >>>need to find a way of thinking MB's fiction as constituting in itself a >>>philosophical (and more than philosophical) act, and thinking how MB's >>>critical and philosophical writings (as Derrida puts it) question >>>philosophy (as well as a lot of literature) from the perspective of an >>>experience that is irreducible to it (to them). >> >>I reckon the way you have allocated MB within a Derridian shelter makes that >>philosophical act a hermeneutical exegesis and commentary. Stepping outside >>philosophy is illusory. The reinscription of that perspective that is >>outside philosophy is just a functional juncture for the return of the >>question that works as a reasonable strategy for subverting certain >>hierarchical dualisms. In my own view, this creativity is not positive. >>Blanchot creates the philosophical concept within frames of paradoxes, not >>to just question, but to build a counter intuitive fictions, imaginary >>worlds or alternative universes in the manner of a Borges or a Le Guin. >> > >Stepping outside philosophy may be illusory, but this does not mean >philosophy has no outside. To claim this would be to subscribe to the view >that philosophy, as totalising logos, always knows the truth about its own >exteriority. It has always been philosophy's ambition (and no doubt task) >to appropriate or incorporate what is other to it. This is a movement that >Blanchot, on my reading, is constrained to resist, in the name not of the >night (which belongs to the light of reason), but the otherness of the >other night. At the same time, it is clear for Blanchot (as for Levinas) >that this appeal to the other does not dispense him from traversing >philosophy, while not necessarily taking up residence within it. Blanchot >has no truck with irrationalism. But I think one can doubt whether >Blanchot is, in the convcentional sense of the term, a philosopher at all. >Blanchot, I would claim, creates no concepts. The neuter is not a concept, >the outside is not a concept, disaster is not a concept, and so on. Yes, >Blanchot's fictions are dedicated to an alternative universe, but only in >the sense (Blanchot himself puts it) that their object is not another >world, but the other of all world. Would this apply in your view to Borges >or Le Guin? > >Leslie > > >
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