File spoon-archives/blanchot.archive/blanchot_1999/blanchot.9907, message 2

Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 15:32:39 +1000
Subject: Re: MB: what is desoeuvrement?

> Date:          Tue, 20 Jul 1999 13:16:00 +1000
> From:          Sebastian Gurciullo <>
> Subject:       MB: what is desoeuvrement?

> Extrapolating a little further, and this is perhaps what I am really
> interested in, is it possible to comprehend the events of May 1968 through
> either desoeuvrement or Eternal Return, as the unworking of the telos of
> revolutionary activity? What would the implications for such an
> understanding of May 1968 and its aftermath be, if viewed through either of
> these notions, in terms of the continuing circulation of Late (New World
> Order) Capitalism?

See the exchange between the thought of Lacoue-Labarthe and Jean-Luc Nancy 
(_The Inoperative Community_, see the translator's introduction for 
the Blanchot link to desoevrement) and Blanchot (_The Unavowable 
Community_,  his reply).
Mark Broadhead
12/54 Barkly St.           "Speak, you also,
St. Kilda                   speak as the last,
Tel. 9525 3038              have your say." 
                             -- Paul Celan.


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