File spoon-archives/blanchot.archive/blanchot_1999/blanchot.9909, message 3

Subject: Re: MB: Rire
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 1999 22:27:13 PDT

>Vous-avez a wonderful page, I like it, I praise it. Tell me: do you recall 
>a piece of ecriture by Blanchot about laughter? humour? about the meaning 
>of laughter, or some thing of the kind?
>Congratulations and thank you.

Nous avons a wonderful page, et l'utilisons a lot tant bien mismo...

But whose's laughter... What about the chapter Le Rire des Dieux, in 
L'amitié, on klossowski's trio and Baphomet....
note (the response by) Kundera in the Art of the Novel - last page, when he 
says that it is God - saying this in Israel - W/who laughs when he 
thinks...common thought...
also in L'entretien Infini, when he writes about Beckett, but I'm far from 
my books and can't be more precise then that...


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