File spoon-archives/bourdieu.archive/bourdieu_1999/bourdieu.9911, message 107

Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 12:58:44 EST
Subject: post & riposte

Kent asks:

<<how can a prof. in Berlin be a prof. in scranton PA?  what produced them? 
what field, national,economic, ideological do they develop and operate in?>>

I'm sorry, but I think you're still missing my point. Allow me to expand on 
it. I was wondering why the debate about who can ask questions, what 
questions can be asked, who should reply to such questions & in what way, is 
so ubiquitous on academic email lists. Participants in this kind of debate 
typically take remarkably similar positions & use remarkably similar 
language, whether the specific topic of the list is sociology, literature, or 
as a colleague of mine in math tells me, math. Given the transnational nature 
of academic email lists, I didn't see how an analysis of the national origins 
of participants in such debates could get us very far. Hence, I suggested 
that the structure of academic email lists is to some degree homolgous to the 
structure of the academic field, which is, as I wrote, "relatively" stable 
across national borders ("relatively" was a key word, meant to catch all the 
objections you raised). This was a fairly banal bit of two-minute sociology, 
I thought, really. Sorry it caused you so much agitation, and thank you for 
pointing out that Pennsylvania and Germany are, in many ways, different. 
Though that depends in part on where you go in PA....


No. Can you suggest anything in which he defines "habitus?" I have a term 
paper due on Monday.  

(I'm joking! Just a lame attempt to break any tension on the list! I would 
use an emoticon here if I weren't allergic to them. Please nobody take 

Andrew Haggerty


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