File spoon-archives/bourdieu.archive/bourdieu_1999/bourdieu.9911, message 26

From: "Brandon Claycomb" <>
Subject: Re: List Protocol
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1999 03:27:25 -0500

Kent Strock wrote:
>if someone wants to ask, "what primary texts should I read to understand
>Bourdieu" then this opens possibilities for discussion...other than that go
>to a library or the bourdieu on-line bibligraphy.

I simply don't see what it hurts for any sort of discussion of Bourdieu to
occur on this list, whatever its level. At most I could see that perhaps the
very basic questions grow wearisome for the more experienced list members.
But since this is an email list there is the very simple solution to this of
simply deleting the offending posts. That to me seems preferable to trying
to run people off the list.

All of which seems quite separate to me from the fact (with which I agree)
that anyone interested in Bourdieu would do well to read as much Bourdieu as
they can.



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