File spoon-archives/bourdieu.archive/bourdieu_1999/bourdieu.9911, message 43

Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1999 08:29:38 +0000
Subject: Re: List Protocol

I find myself having some sympathy with both sides of this debate. I 
have subscribed to the list for a while and have made only one 
contribution - a question which I thought was reasonable and to which 
I got one lengthy and really helpful reply from Emrah. I used to be 
an academic librarian and it is frustrating when you provide lots of 
classes and handouts and both students and academics (some anyway) 
come to you with high expectations that you will be the answer to 
their prayers. I've even been blamed for other people's assignments 
being late in submission because they felt I should have been more 
helpful - and I can assure you that I always tried to be as helpful 
and the resources would allow. There is no easy solution, but one 
might be to keep on hand a recognised (by title - so list members 
recognise it) response which  is an introductory bibliography that 
can be posted in response to questions from those starting out.
I have much sympathy as I am working with Ricoeur and Bourdieu in 
organisation studies and when I started in 97 it was twentysomething 
years since I had done sociology and I have never done philosophy and 
my recent studies had tried to turn me into a psychologist in the 
"scientist/practitioner" stance. So I have asked lots of dumb 
questions and I have felt often like I have been thrown over a cliff 
by the respondent. Part of making progress is picking myself up and 
dusting myself off and "re-authoring" my position.
I have recently done a list of references for a workshop I am running 
this week and plan to hand this out to people who ask me about how to 
get started with narrative and B's social theory. I am happy to share 
and people may want to add or delete etc. Let me know.
BTW thank you Emrah if you are reading this. 
On further reflection I probably should check the Bourdieu 
bibliography site - perhaps it is the answer and does show people 
where to start?
Bonna Jones


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