File spoon-archives/bourdieu.archive/bourdieu_1999/bourdieu.9911, message 54

From: "kent strock" <>
Subject: Re: Theatre
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1999 22:58:30 PST

as for the quoting scripture part, no I am not just stating the fact that 
the european educational system that operates before higher education 
provides an education in philosophy, literature and economics, however 
"segregated" it may be, which I don't think is bad or elistist in the 
slightest-which is not at all a bad thing, is completely absent from the US 
educational system.  Again at the sake being repeatitive, you are operating 
completely under the illusion of theoretical reason which is completely 
antithetical to the logic of practice.  More precisely in positing  a 
platonic realm of the ideal to say that the prof or student in hamburg, 
paris and iowa city are in some way the same is to negate the social, which 
is obviously anti-sociological, but also to claim for language and 
textuality a status which belongs...hummm I don't know where

>Subject: Re: Theatre
>Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 00:29:58 EST
>In a message dated 11/10/99 10:55:33 PM EST, writes:
><< How can it be stable across national boundaries?  Are not the conditions
>  production of habuitus and the relations of the field from country to
>  country rather different that despite the expansion of capital that the
>  reading of texts and schemes of perception used to read them would vary?  
> >>
>All I was saying was that a student is a student and a professor is a
>professor in Berlin as in Scranton, PA. Are you suggesting that the history
>of a specific social formation like "higher education" should privilege
>national boundaries at the expense of everything else? Or that, if we're
>quoting Scripture to serve our purposes, I shouldn't demand that the 
>to the English edition of Distinction should be made a prequisite (3 credit
>maximum) to all our discussions? Anyway, you ignored my central point, 
>is that we are reproducing social distinctions according to the laws of 
>as well as being intellectually provocative.
><<Euoropeans are MUCH better at giving subtle, non-oppositional or
>thoughtless reproduction of Bourdieu's work>>
>You're also something of a snob. Unless you're being wittily ironical, in
>which case I salute your truly nuanced reflexive sociological Eurosnobbery,
>according to which common courtesy can be dispensed with as a silly
>A chara,
>Andrew Haggerty

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