File spoon-archives/bourdieu.archive/bourdieu_1999/bourdieu.9911, message 56

Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 07:24:55 +0000
From: Pia Kate <>
Subject: Re: Theatre

><< But email is itself just a relatively miniscule field with the much larger
> habitus of the Internet culture. >>
>Certainly. But that doesn't mean that academic email lists aren't part of a 
>relatively autonomous subfield within the field of "net-culture" as a whole, 
>one that obeys its own specific rules of functioning which are tied to the 
>specific habituses of its participants. 

Maybe, this is part of the issues argued over the last week. The subfield
of "academic email lists" would prefer, I think, to be completely
autonomous from the rest of "net-culture" since the rules are so different
- the former emphasising exclusivity and hierarchy and the latter
emphasising accessibility and antihierarchical interaction. Put your list
out on the net and people will access it as they access any other
information on the net - cafeteria style. 

Pia Jakobsson



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