File spoon-archives/bourdieu.archive/bourdieu_1999/bourdieu.9911, message 57

Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 16:45:41
From: Margot Ford <>
Subject: Rules of functioning

Andrew Haggerty in a recent postings referred to;

"But that doesn't mean that academic email lists aren't part of a 
relatively autonomous subfield within the field of "net-culture" as a whole, 
one that obeys its own specific rules of functioning which are tied to the 
specific habituses of its participants"

These rules of functioning were for me breached by an offensive reply from
Kent Strock asking me to 'grow up' because he assumed (gosh he does assume
a lot doesn't he?) I was advocating treating this list as a 'convenience
store' This response could be constructed not only as intellectual elitism
but also as aggressively male and therefore moves to exclude me on two

My own field is social justice and inclusive education and my knolwedge of
Bourdieu unfortunately is only his earlier work on reproduction theory that
examined how language as a cultural marker served to privilege some and not

Well Kent's earlier postings and his most recent;
"From what you said their is a 
naturalized discoursive axiomic plane outside of experience, objective 
structures or centers of power. A sphere that provides a homogenious sphere 
of linguistic transparency and univocality that is imaginary, but belongs in 
a habermas newsgroup." (in this *deliberate* density do I detect a mixed

provides a very good example of how he uses language (in manner and
semantics) in an attempt to exclude.  Just for fun would anyone like to
translate the above for us lesser beings? 

I nearly withdrew from this list but it is helping to update that earlier
knowledge and I will not be put off.


PS I'm nearly 50!



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