File spoon-archives/bourdieu.archive/bourdieu_1999/bourdieu.9911, message 66

Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 11:10:26 -0600
From: Deborah Kilgore <>
Subject: a student is a student

(sorry, this had nothing to do with theatre)

I find Bourdieu particularly useful in helping me to analyze a
"particular case of the possible."  I think on some accounts, a student
is a student, whether in Iowa or in Berlin.  Certainly there are a
number qualities of each of those fields - including the power
relationships among social positions within them - that are potentially
distinctly different from one another, but do they not fall under the
larger "intellectual field" and beyond that, the field of power?  Is
there nothing we can explain about the intellectual field from the study
of one subfield, that may also help us to understand the nature of
another subfield?

In other words, I think you both are right.  

A student's a student no matter the place
Unless she's a part of a different shaped space.



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