File spoon-archives/bourdieu.archive/bourdieu_1999/bourdieu.9911, message 7

From: "Andrea Friedl" <>
Subject: Re: Habitus
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 02:31:24 +0200

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

I=B4m a Swedish student reading Bourdieu. Can someone help me with the definition of some Bourdieu word? What doe=B4s he mean with habitus and what are the distinktion beetwen the estetic and the popular? Where do they come from and  how doe=B4s they expresses in the society?

I would be very greatful, whatsoever , to any kind of contribution!

Your sincerly, Andrea


I´m a Swedish student reading Bourdieu. Can someone help me with the definition of some Bourdieu word? What doe´s he mean with habitus and what are the distinktion beetwen the estetic and the popular? Where do they come from and  how doe´s they expresses in the society?
I would be very greatful, whatsoever , to any kind of contribution!
Your sincerly, Andrea
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