File spoon-archives/bourdieu.archive/bourdieu_1999/bourdieu.9911, message 80

Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 17:50:06 -0800 (PST)
From: Dennis R Redmond <dredmond-AT-OREGON.UOREGON.EDU>
Subject: Just the FAQs, M'am

On Thu, 11 Nov 1999, kent strock wrote:

> ignore those who come begging for nuggests to fulfill some bibliographic 
> requirement and the logic of acdemic production it promotes...ignore those 
> who answer them or ask them not to do it.

No, no, just refer them to the FAQ. There *is* a Bourdieu FAQ somewhere on
the web, isn't there? You know, basic stuff like publications, vocab list,
and a basic summary of the issues Bourdieu deals with, plus links to
bibliographies and such. If there isn't, someone should write one. Heck,
this list could even provide a critique/rewrites of the thing.

Of course, if they ignore the FAQ, then all bets are off.

-- Dennis



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