File spoon-archives/bourdieu.archive/bourdieu_1999/bourdieu.9911, message 93

Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 18:44:04 +0000
Subject: Re: Rules of functioning

>This is a great note, Jerry. Especially the suggestion about an orange drink
>At 12:31 PM 11/11/99 -0600, you wrote:
>>The discussion on lurking and participating reminds me of the old time
>>practice, before telly and e-lists, that when people got together they
>>shared stories.  This is the essence of the Canterbury Tales.  The basic
>>requirement for sharing the campfire, and sometimes the food and drink,
>>would be to tell a story.  However, people would not necessarily be banned
>>from the circle for not sharing in the story telling.   Nor, was it always
>>a case of "Can you top this," but, rather, of sociability and entertainment.
>>I sometimes view discussion groups on the e-lists as something similar, but
>>with the elements of a good classroom discussion, or discussions over a big
>>orange drink in a pub, mixed in.  Some are active listeners and they
>>contribute by their presence.  A good story demands good listeners.  Good
>>e-lists require good lurkers.
>>Jerry Shepperd

But this fails to recognise the important differences: round a fire, in a
bar, the "lurkers" - the audience - can contribute by changing expressions
(attentive, amused shocked, etc.)  at relevant points; silence (like the
significance of the *lack* of a barking dog in a Sherlock Holmes story),
laughter, applause, etc. From lurkers in an email group contributors get -
nothing - till the former become former lurkers.

  Oh and no orange stuff for me,  mine's a pint of Old Lurcher.

Ted Welch Lecturer and web master
School of Communication, Design and Media, University of Westminster,
London, UK  web designer of (Network of Philosophy in Practice)

"Truth Matters" Noam Chomsky



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