File spoon-archives/bourdieu.archive/bourdieu_2000/bourdieu.0001, message 3

Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2000 20:02:29 +0000
From: (Roger Cook)
Subject: Metanoia

Dear List Members,
        In answer to my own question below, I am happy to report that I
finally found the reference to metanoia in An Invitation to Reflexive
Sociology. It is on p.251 and reads as follows:

There is no risk of overestimating difficulty and dangers when it comes to
thinking the social world. The force of the preconstructed resides in the
fact that, being inscribed both in things and in minds, it presents itself
under the cloak of the self-evident which goes un-noticed because it is by
definition taken for granted. Rupture in fact demands a *conversion of
one's gaze* and one can say of the teaching of sociology that it must first
"give new eyes," as initiatory philosophers, sometimes phrased it. The task
is to produce, if not a "new person," then at least a "new gaze," *a
sociological eye.* And this cannot be done without a genuine conversion, a
*metanoia*, a mental revolution, a transformation of one's whole vision of
the social world.
May Bourdieu's work continue to bring about such metanoia into the new

I am very glad to have found this passage as it describes exactly the
affect that this amazing book had on me:something for which I feel immense
>Date: Sat, 4 Dec 1999 22:14:24 +0000
> (Roger Cook)
>Can anyone help me find the reference (I think in An Invitation to
>Reflexive Sociolgoy) where Bourdieu refers to metanoia.
>Roger Cook
>University of Reading



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