File spoon-archives/bourdieu.archive/bourdieu_2004/bourdieu.0401, message 94

From: "T Fjeld" <>
Date: Wed, 07 Jan 2004 14:08:30 +0100
Subject: [BOU:] strategies of the subordinate (was: veiling and islam)

On 7 Jan 2004 at 0:50, John Evans wrote:
> 6.  Bourdieu has also argued (in the context of working-class boys or
> "lads") that co-option into the education system may serve the lads'
> interests better than contesting with the system (a perspective he
> says may apply to women and minority groups). That is, the lads resist
> the school system using the models of resistance available to them
> (understandable but as a strategy, a disaster). 

Could you give some refs to Bourdieu texts? I'd be interested in 
reading more in this, partly because I'm not sure how you're using 
the terms co-option and resistance here. Is it suggested that the 
lads would be better off by producing some kind of parallell 
educational system? (An idea that ain't as far out as it may seem. In 
the interwar period there was a whole range of organized cultural 
practices taking place under the aegis of the workers' movement in 
Norway, and I'm sure other places as well, in direct competition with 
official practices -- e.g., a separate workers' soccer league apart 
from the national association. One couldn't participate in both.)

To Pär's rambling about Cambodia -- I don't see the link here, 
Walter. Not everything has to do with Viet Nam, you know. I don't 
know about Sweden, but in Norway the Labour party participated in the 
International until they got executive power. After that moment 
(yeah, and there was a war in-between as well), the top guns of the 
party became curiously obsessed with tracking down & eliminating 
those to the left of government. Wonder why? (Answers as to the evil 
essence of communists are automatically disqualified.)


T Fjeld

A deju vu is usually a glitch in the Matrix.  It happens when they 
change something.



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