File spoon-archives/deleuze-guattari.archive/d-g_1994/deleuze_Jul.94, message 73

Date: Sun, 24 Jul 1994 03:47:25 -0400 (EDT)
From: Alan Sondheim <>
Subject: Re: deleuze & guattari

My own personal belief is probably close to Godel's - that of a 
disconnected Platonism. I say disconnected, because the reality of any 
situation is still only exact within a given tolerance/bandwidth - no one 
was really sure _exactly where and how_ the comet would collide with 
Jupiter. The unknowns, I'd argue, are deep unknowns; this doesn't stop me 
from thinking through a _core structure_ to science which describes 
precisely (within the bounds of Heisenberg, etc.) sub-quantum etc. 
effects. I have also thought of science as _that_ discourse, set off in 
other words in its mathematical matrix, from the randomizing effects of 
other discourses - as David Finkelstein said to a visiting pure mathema- 
tician, `You're just masturbating, but I'm _fucking reality._' By the 
way, I appreciated greatly your previous post, about DG programmers, 
about science, etc. I don't quarrel with anyone who is dismissive of 
science providing they _read it,_ beyond Feyerabend and Davies - that 
they understand what is conceptually occurring within, say the deep 
structure of quantum theory. Otherwise, to return to the surface, one is 
for example establishing a broad critique of German romanticism without 
bothering to look at it.




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