File spoon-archives/deleuze-guattari.archive/d-g_1995/d-g_22Jan.95, message 67

Date: Sat, 28 Jan 1995 17:23:59 +1100
Subject: re:habit/representation

[from Melissa]

I'm brain-dead more or less at the moment. I reckon, given the
specific problems you are looking at, that you'd find it really
helpful to look at _Matter and Memory_ - I think chapter three
looks at resemblance (and indeed, precisely as a kind of force)
and the arrival at general ideas, but of course the whole present
- past, virtual/actual relation is "a bit everywhere" (as the frogs
say) in the book. Obviously Deleuze does his own take on these, but
retains a lot of fundamentals, and maintains a lot of Bergson's
polemic... which is to say, they have similar problems.

- Melissa



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