File spoon-archives/deleuze-guattari.archive/d-g_1995/d-g_Jan.95, message 89

Date: Tue, 17 Jan 1995 14:53:00 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Nietzsche, Spinoza, tranquil atheism

Jon: On the Political:

It seems to me that Deleuze insists that there are continuities from the
macropolitical realm of culture-formations and their 
disturbances, and planes of consistency and various intensities with 
respect to warfare (a la chess and go passage) between the zone of 
indiscernability and the zone of impotence at the micropolitical level.

My interest in scientific epistemologies and their role in D&G's modeling 
of culture formations and subject positions must be thought of in political 
terms. Geometry as a cognitive activity involves the top-down 
superimposition of structure onto processes (chaos), and surely there is 
political mileage in this.

While I have sympathy for Erik's project, that sympathy lies with the 
political implications of buddhist epistemology, made visible perhaps 
for the first time in the works of the biologist and cognitive 
scientist Francisco Varela, which, has you 
probably know, is connected to Deleuze through the work of Guattari.

The concept of alliances broached by Deleuze and Guattari in the preface 
to the English translation of *Difference et repetition* forces us to 
rethink the boundaries between Erik and Jon fer sher.




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