File spoon-archives/deleuze-guattari.archive/d-g_1995/d-g_May.95, message 14

Date: Wed, 3 May 1995 09:39:30 +1000
From: (Melissa McMahon)
Subject: Re: teaching died with god and art

>Well, miss throw caution to the wind, bad trips and suspiciousness aside,
>for i don't know what they have to do with anything said, at least
>you're 'bothered' when things like 'thought' and 'mind' are positively
>eliminated! Santa may not be true, but he keeps dropping little presents
>down the chimney (like 'art', 'thought', and 'mind') for intellectuals
>to talk about, doesn't he. The attempt to 'divy up' philosophy, science,
>and art is the most ludicrous aspect of Not only D&G's work, but Nietzsche's
>too. Let's save something for the good ole thinker to think about.
>Who gives a damn? Signs, teaching, and most especially ART are no longer
>problems either. Just a pastime for some. By affirming it all it all
>positively collapses. I love it. Give me more. But transcendence is
>constantly aborted as 0 keeps coming back.

That 0 you mention - it wouldn't be a black hole would it?

- Melissa



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