File spoon-archives/deleuze-guattari.archive/d-g_1995/d-g_May.95, message 23

Date: Thu, 04 May 1995 10:46:16 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: Well, and what _about_ art?

Of course there is no death of art in Deleuze. And i do ot expect to
have many, if any, agree when i say that art is dead, along with God.
The only people i have read that really give me the impression that
they believe art is dead are Bataille and Bourdieu (thoug Bourdieu
denies it and Bataille never mentions art and the so called sublime,
though everyone automatically assumes that's what he's talking about).

It would take several monstrous posts, not to mention that it would
take us away from Deleuze, to explain what i'm talking about. So unless
there is a real desire to discuss it here, i will drop it, and continue




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