File spoon-archives/deleuze-guattari.archive/d-g_1995/d-g_Sep.95, message 11

Date: Sat, 02 Sep 1995 22:26:12 +1000
Subject: Re: re deleuze guattari digest

Grasyon writes:
>I would fervently like to believe that you can recognize a nomad not
>by his or her lifestyle, but by what is happening behind their eyes. I would
>like to think that if you peer hard enough you can see someone flinging a
>pack on their back and adjusting their boots, ready for the long haul.

At the risk of speaking on a completely different plane, and using your
terminolgy to different ends . . .

I would like to think that you can recognize a nomad by what is reflected
in their eyes, not by what is inside, not by the stories they have to tell
of their travels, not by what is behind their eyes, but by the territorial
assemblage that is reflected in the screen of the eye. The home that
that is distributed in their proximity, which makes their subjectivities
possible, and which is refracted back into the universe from their point
of specificity.

Just a thought,




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