File spoon-archives/deleuze-guattari.archive/d-g_1995/d-g_Sep.95, message 112

Date: Fri, 29 Sep 1995 00:04:42 +0100
From: douglas edric stanley <>
Subject: Re: raymond Ruyer.

Paul Bains,

Finally, I have procured a copy of Neo-finalisme. I will get to work on it
soon, and post my commentaries here on the Deleuze and Guattari list. I
agree that it is interesting for their work. As well, I found a used copy
of Guattari's Chaosmose. I was wrong on the price, it's Cartographies
Schizoanalytiques that costs a bundle. I was quite happy to see that the
chapter "L'heterogenese machinique" is the same as the paper Guattari
delivered at the Miami Theory gismo and re-printed in Re-Thinking
Technologies. I had picked up this book the last time I was in the US and
was able to use it in a paper I gave on the cinema and pupet animation.
Well, it was something like pupets and cinema but not really. Anyway, lets
try to keep in touch over the question of perception, the eye, etc. I think
it's interesting to write in this exteriority that is here known as E-mail
- something to do with the private becoming public, etc - as well as having
something to do with the anti-archive that apparently Derrida seems to be
talking about now. But that's another story.

Having no head,

Douglas Edric Stanley
Paris. 28.9.1995



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