File spoon-archives/deleuze-guattari.archive/d-g_1995/d-g_Sep.95, message 27

Date:         Thu, 07 Sep 95 15:08:11 EDT
Subject:      Re: Refrain/Hecceites/Affect

On Thu, 7 Sep 1995 13:28:36 -0400 (EDT) Karen L Houle said:
> The cajun scene didn't get as much back as it gave.  And, there
>have been numerous complaints on/in/among this list about the limited
>amount of disclosed experience;...
>evidently we have to take this list off the screen and go on a
>field trip. you know, mix life, dance and theory, however joyous, however
>successful or unsuccessful its becomings.  how
>about new orleans for mardi gras? my family has a timesharing condo in
>the french quarter. i don't know how far that is from the maple leaf,
>charley...but i'm sure beausoleil will be about.
Gee, Karen... where have you been for the past two years, when I was
actually able to attend Mardi Gras for *research* (ahem) purposes?
As for Mardi Gras 96, not sure when it will be, but talk about collective
assemblages of enunciation! on Fat Tuesday, there's nothing but... well,
almost... I think FG would have really enjoyed Mardi Gras, and though he
did visit Louisiana (I heard him speak in Baton Rouge), I don't know if
he was able to visit N.O.
On a more 'serious' note though, I don't want to romanticize the experience
aspect of our theorizing... What I mean is, the Cajun dance arena ranks
high on the list of 'striated', codified, and re-territorialized/ing
spaces. So if I've given the impression that 'it' just flows freely out
'there' (I'm hedging a bit on the 'it' and the 'there'), I've done a
shabby job indeed.

>how many dangians can
>you fit in a timeshare?
There must be a snappy punch-line here, for what may well be the first
d-and-g joke!
<one answer: 1000, of course!>
CJ Stivale



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