File spoon-archives/deleuze-guattari.archive/d-g_1995/d-g_Sep.95, message 29

Date: Thu, 07 Sep 1995 17:20:07 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: Susan Says Here It Is, There It Isn't

After my little discussion on pederasty with Tim and Paul I'm back
in my office going over the reservation list, making sure everything
is in order. I don't know what Paul is so worried about, everthing
has been ready for that conference for two days. Reminds me of those
who believe in the possible/real dualism. What could be more disappointing
that thinking about how great a fuck might might be and then winding
up with a dud from work? Niether Tim nor Paul is the dud. It was
another guy, Adam. Apparently, while inside of a woman he can
think of nothing but being in a cunt, the result being a steady,
monotonous, boring fuck. Balls deep just doesn't cut it if there's
not at least a little fluctuation of motion. Even that would not
have been so bad if he could have done anything with his tongue.
But nothing. I went ahead and fucked him twice, so as not to let him
know that he just can't throw dick. I then told him we had better
stop because it would undoubtedly affect our work relationship.
I wouldn't mind trying Tim out, he's very attractive, but he's
the kind that believes in honor, justice, reads Tom Clancy novels and
worst of all, seems to think that humans are not delirious clots
of matter, are somehow distinct from the rest of the cosmos.



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