File spoon-archives/deleuze-guattari.archive/d-g_1995/d-g_Sep.95, message 36

Date: Tue, 12 Sep 1995 00:24:52 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: Susan Says Here It Is, There It Isn't

Tim, walking into my office and beginning one of his speeches for
the rights of loosers: "You know, all this stuff you think can
be theoretically proven, like the connection between christianity
and butt fucking, is nonsense; it's just theoretical nonsense."
Me: "I'll bet you're one of those dumbasses who still tries to
relate everthing you think to be philosophical but a bit 'out of
the ordinary' to existialism, aren't you. It's a good thing you
never really studied philosophy because you would have probably
wound up a Heideggerian, and we certainly don't need any more
Heideggerians. But i'm sure you would love his shit. You could
even try to wish yourself into nonpresence, right back to the
late 20s, when Heidegger was busy fucking Arendt, and perhps
take her place after one of his inspiring cheese sessions. But
seriously, Tim, it's this common sense belief that their is a
rift between theory and reality  that is nonsense. There are no
linguistic statements whose semantical correlates aren't 
'theoretical' in the sense you think of it. The fact is, as
has been known for quite some time in philosophy, there are
no propositions tht are not a part of a conceptual framework
that make up an ontological system that is provisional and thus
theoretical. Now of course we can move out the representational
shadows that continue to cloak those who believe there is such
a thing as a 'proposition' - or an intention - to begin with,
sodomize propositional logic so to speak, but then you would
be lost; and you are better off playing tag-team with Marty
and Hannah in some kind of fourth dimensional time of the 
gods in Marburg in '26 anyway."
Tim: "Susan you are really out of it."



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