File spoon-archives/deleuze-guattari.archive/d-g_1995/d-g_Sep.95, message 45

Date:        Tue, 12 Sep 1995 20:01:53 EDT
Subject: Re: Responses

Actually , for the record, I came to the Trent U Deleuze conference
as a triple, and as a gang, eager to conjugate and bifurcate;
the conference itself did likewise, sprouting paraconferences
(heavy disgruntled drinking and smoking sessions down by the bayou) &
extra-conferences such as cajun patiodances.

Yes, it was a super-hierarchical affair, lots of big and bigger guns
speaking -- academics only, if you please -- but then that was fun
in its own right, AND these weren't your ordinary run-of-the-mill
professors after all, but delirious deleuzians.  For a truly
hallucinogenic experience try reading Peter Canning's "Crack in
Time, or the Ideal Game" (in _Gilles Deleuze, or the Theater of
PHilosophy_)...abounds in rhizome-brain examples including
*survol* puissances.

 must run,



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