File spoon-archives/deleuze-guattari.archive/d-g_1995/d-g_Sep.95, message 47

Date:        Wed, 13 Sep 1995 09:11:24 EDT
Subject: re: brains and susan says

A query regarding the hierarchy of matter-energy forms and what's
so special about the brain, and what's so lowly about, say, a
raindrop   :::  Starting with neurons or brain cells... which are
not all equal, because the brain cell of a lemming and that of a
dolphin would be different, and an amoeba would perhaps not even
have brain cells... Brain cells are the most intelligent cells
because of their superior genes? and rock's dont have brains do
they??  I would guess that rocks like raindrops don't have brains
because they don't have genes and cells are made of genetic
material, whereas atoms are just made of molecules but not protein
or DNA molecules, is that it?  Now humans procreate, whereas genes
replicate (like protozoa) and molecules? silicone molecules, water
molecules they just relate via electromagnetic valences/relations
forming and unforming compounds, could that be it? (along with a
special Lucretian theory about clinamata (pl. of clinamen?) or the
swerve of molecular souls...)  So, whereas rocks may not have
brains or genes they can still repeat differently (thanks to the
periodic table, amongst other things), which means that although
they may not have brains they can still be rhizomorphically
perverse and geophilosophically worthy of note.

So then, Susan, what's the big deal about brains??  and why keep
wasting your time with a moron like Tim.  Change hotels, you should
work at the Meridien in Montreal! which is hosting ISEA95.  (And I
see there's a new Churchland book out; have you read it?)



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